513.877.2141 | mid-western@mid-western.org
4585 Long-Spurling Road, Pleasant Plain, OH 45162
513.877.2141 | mid-western@mid-western.org
4585 Long-Spurling Road, Pleasant Plain, OH 45162
Mid-Western Children's Home (MCH) is a private agency licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. MCH seeks to provide stable and nurturing substitute care arrangements for youth requiring out-of-home care for various reasons. To this end MCH operates a group home program, foster care program, adoption services and Village Christian School (a TESC). Agency offices along with the group home program and school are located in a rural area one hour northeast of Cincinnati.
Group Home referrals should be directed to Barry Boverie via e-mail at mid-western@mid-western.org or via phone at (513)877-2141.
MCH operates Village Christian School a Therapeutic Educational Service Center (TESC) for children who benefit behaviorally and academically in an alternative school setting.
TESC referrals should be directed to Barry Boverie via e-mail at barry.boverie@mid-western.org or via phone at (513)877-2008.
Please see the Group Home or TESC pages for more information.
Foster Care and Adoption referrals should be directed to Barry Boverie via e-mail at barry.boverie@mid-western.org or via phone at (513)877-2008. Please see the Foster Care or Adoption pages for more information