Group Home

Mid-Western Children's Home (MCH) is a private agency licensed by the Ohio Department of Job and Family Services. MCH seeks to provide stable and nurturing substitute care arrangements for youth requiring out-of-home care for various reasons.  To this end, MCH operates a group home program.  Agency offices, along with the group home program are located in a rural area, one hour northeast of Cincinnati.

The group home program serves children ages 6-18. Children served are mildly to moderately emotionally disturbed, mildly mentally challenged, neglected/dependent, learning disabled, and children who are unruly or delinquent or who otherwise are unable to function in their own homes and communities.

Private referrals, court referrals, county O.D.C.Y. referrals, or other agency/institutional referrals are accepted.

Programming is not well suited for children who are psychotic, who demonstrate extreme acting out behavior, who are sex offenders, and who are actively chemically dependent.

Treatment tools may include milieu therapy, work readiness services, and individual, group, and family counseling. Although theoretical orientations of staff tend to be eclectic, Reality Therapy and Behavior Modification techniques are used more often. An individualized Service Plan or Case Plan emphasizing goal attainment is developed for each child/family at intake.

The group home is a relatively non-restrictive, community-based program.  This program duplicates a family-like setting using live-in childcare workers in six group-home cottages.  Typically, there are 6-8 youth placed into each cottage.  Each cottage will have an assigned case worker.

Children in group care attend school on grounds or local public schools.  LD classes, DH classes, and CD placement are available through local schools.  Village Christian School is our own Therapeutic Education Service Center which serves high risk youth (SED services) from grades 7-12.  

Per diem for group home placement starts at $220/day. For private referrals, services are rendered on an ability to pay basis. For more information about this program and for referrals please contact our intake director